Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Day - 3 word challenge


   I always like when things are short and simple. Yesterdays challenge was just 2 words: "Rejoice Always". It can't get any shorter or simpler. Today's challenge is only 3 words long and very, very simple (at least it seems that way). "Pray Without Ceasing". 

   When someone first looks at this verse it seems to say that we should be on our knees praying 24/7 and never cease to pray. It actually means to continually and consistently pray and don't give up on talking with the Lord. Do not stop praying! It means that we should be ready to pray at anytime and always be walking with our Lord. If we know Jesus as our Savior, the Lord is our very best friend who understands all that we go through and we need to share everything with Him. He cares, not just about the big things that happen in our life, but also the little seemingly insignificant things. 

   Years ago we were teaching a Bible class to young kids. I asked for prayer requests. A small boy spoke up and asked if we could pray for his cat. So I asked him what was wrong with his cat. His reply, "HE'S DEAD!" There wasn't much I could pray for the cat, but I could pray for this young boy, as he was hurting over the loss of his cat. God cares about everything in our lives! 

   Don't give up on prayer and talking with the Lord, especially right now! We need Him more than ever! He is ever ready to hear us!  

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Day 7: rejoice Always!


A little over a week ago, I was working in the "Doghouse Wood Shop" trying to make a wooden cross flag using the table saw. I was taking all the right precautions, (so I thought), when all of a sudden the push stick that was in my hand hit the blade of the saw and ricocheted and hit my hand. I don't need to tell you "THAT HURT!!!!!" Later that night I took myself to the emergency room in Spooner. After x-rays, they said nothing was broke - Praise the Lord. But t still hurt and then my hand became stiff and swelled up. For a week I had to learn to do things with my left hand and stayed out of the wood shop for a few days. Today it is doing a lot better, but still hurts and is stiff if I over do it. 

   1 Thessalonians 5:16 tells us to "Rejoice Always". So, how do you rejoice over a sprained hand or for anything else that is hard to deal with. The idea of "rejoicing" is not going around with a phony, pasted smile on our face pretending that all is well, when it is not. "Rejoicing" is knowing that God is in control and He has a plan for all of this. It is an internal peace and strength that comes only from the Lord. It is a calmness of spirit trusting the Lord. Even though m,y hand hurt, I could rejoice that it was not hurt any worse, that I got a chance to talk to the nurse in the hospital and find out she is s Christian, that God was teaching me to wait on Him - "Be still and know that I am God!"

Joy also comes by putting Jesus first, Others second and Yourself last.

Monday, October 19, 2020

 We cannot look at verses of comfort without looking at what is probably the best known verse in the Bible. Most everybody I know can quote this verse. I heard of a preacher once that did a sermon for every word in this verse. (So how many sermons did he preach?) 

Out of all the words in this verse, one of them stands out, even though it is the shortest word in the whole verse. Without this word the verse would lose a lot of it's importance and power. It is the little word "SO". God not only loved the world, He SO loved the world! It speaks of the greatness and power of that love, beyond comparison and importance. He loved us more than any body else could possible love us. He demonstrated that love by giving His one and only Son to die on the cross for us - in our place. He died for my sin and took my punishment on the cross.

The picture below show how much Jesus so loved us:

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Day 5 Verse Challenge: Soaring Eagles

 Isaiah 40:31 is a very powerful and encouraging verse. One of the great things about living in Northern Wisconsin is the abundance of Bald Eagles. Over the years I have taken many photos of these majestic birds in different poses. This verse tells us several things about these gracious birds. 

1. They that WAIT upon the Lord. The word "wait" also means to hope. It is waiting with anticipation to see just what God will do next. We can only imagine what God has in mind and what He will do next in this world and in our lives.  

Eagles wait for their next meal, perched high and with tremendous eye sight, they wait patiently and with great anticipation for their prey to come into sight so they can swoop down and capture it. Lunch is served! 

They also must wait for the right wind current in order to smoothly soar. 

2. A word about the word "soar". Eagles can only "soar" when there is a wind current or strong wind that they jump into and fall and rise in it again and again. When you think of it the best time for them to soar is when their is a turbulent wind, not when everything is calm. The best time for us to soar as an eagle is in turbulent, windy times, not when everything is quiet. Just like the eagle we fall and rise in the winds, but God gives us the strength to soar and show His grace and love in rough times.


Saturday, October 17, 2020

Day 4 Verse Challenge: Breath Again!

 The next few days we will be looking at verses from Isaiah 40. This is one of the most comforting chapters in the Bible. God was preparing the people of Israel for a difficult time to come, mainly because of their own unfaithfulness to God. For 70 years they would be help captive by the land of Babylon and they would probably think that God had forsaken them. The Lord has Isaiah write to them to reassure them that God would never forsake them and would always be with them

   The very first verse is amazing. God wanted Isaiah to comfort His people and remind them that God is greater than any problem they might have. Most of us can identify with the meaning of the word "COMFORT!" It means to "BREATH AGAIN". Have you ever been so worked up that it feels like you can't breath and you are waiting for the moment when you can breath again. That is how most of have felt these past 7 - 8 month with Corvid 19 and all the trauma it has created in our lives. 

   As we trust the Lord and cry out to Him, He will help us "breath" even in the midst of all of this mess, not just when it is over. We can breath because God is in control and has a plan for all of this, even in our own lives. So take a deep breath and ask God to help you "BREATH AGAIN!" today! 

  Now read the rest of Isaiah 40 and may God comfort your heart and BREATH!!!

Friday, October 16, 2020

Day 3 Verse challenge: Be Still


If there has ever been a verse that has challenged and changed more lives it is Psalm 46:10. When I was a young boy there was a saying going around, (probably made up by grandparents) "Little boys are meant to be seen and not heard.". In other words little boys, especially me, were to keep our mouths shut and not disturb the adults. I am not sure that is what God means by "being still" and yet maybe it is partially true. We sometimes are so busy talking and trying to figure things out and the best thing we can do is to be still and let God have control. 
   This verse can be addressed to 2 different people.
 #1: the enemies of God that make all kinds of noise and say very little. They may threaten and make a lot of noise. But God tells them to "shut up and know that the One true God is going to get the final word".
#2: Usually we apply this to our own lives, when we are worried, restless, doubting or fearful. God encourages us to "Be still - Be quiet and trust - Know that He is God." God still knows better than any of us how to handle each situation and problem. He does not promise to take the problem away, but He does promise to quiet our spirit and help us trust Him in the midst of it all!!!    

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Verse Challenge Day 2: The Lighthouse.


The week after Labor Day, Linda, myself and her family stayed at a resort in Ludington, Michigan. One of the things Ludington is known for is it's lighthouse. People come from all over to see this lighthouse and spend time on the beach. If it is a clear night you will find quite a few photographers setting up to get shots of the sun setting over the lighthouse. I have heard it said that Ludington Beach has one of the most beautiful sunsets around. I waited for over an hour just to take a few shot of the sunset and the lighthouse. This photo is one I waited for until the timing was just right. 

  The lighthouse is a symbol of security and safety. Even in the worst of storms the lighthouse remains strong and steady. You can count on it being there if you need it.  

   What a great picture of our God - "A very present help in trouble". He is indeed our refuge and strength. He will always be there for us - no matter how severe the storm.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

30 Day Verse Challenge

 So here is the challenge: For the next 30 days, read one verse a day that will help you through this pandemic and help you stand strong in the Lord. There are so many verses that can encourage, bless and strengthen us, if we would just read them and apply them to our life. So a challenge  for myself is to post one verse a day on this blog that will encourage both you and me. Tune in each day and let God's Word change your attitude and life...

 Day 1 Verse Challenge - Psalm 119:105

Ever since we had a bear upset our garbage cans in the middle of the night, I have been a little reluctant to walk out to the garage or workshop after dark. But that is really not a problem because of the motion detector lights that come on as soon as I step outside. These lights light up the path that leads to the shop letting me see whatever is in the yard. So far no bears! That is the power of God's Word. It lights the way and shows us that we need not to be afraid and we don't have to worry about stumbling. 

   Today let God's Word guide you and direct your path. Read the verse again and again and let God teach and lead you. 

God Bless!

A Heart Like His

     1 Samuel 13:14 “The Lord has sought Him a “ Man after his own heart ”. Our theme is “A Heart Like His ” .   The Lord was talking ...