Monday, October 19, 2020

 We cannot look at verses of comfort without looking at what is probably the best known verse in the Bible. Most everybody I know can quote this verse. I heard of a preacher once that did a sermon for every word in this verse. (So how many sermons did he preach?) 

Out of all the words in this verse, one of them stands out, even though it is the shortest word in the whole verse. Without this word the verse would lose a lot of it's importance and power. It is the little word "SO". God not only loved the world, He SO loved the world! It speaks of the greatness and power of that love, beyond comparison and importance. He loved us more than any body else could possible love us. He demonstrated that love by giving His one and only Son to die on the cross for us - in our place. He died for my sin and took my punishment on the cross.

The picture below show how much Jesus so loved us:

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A Heart Like His

     1 Samuel 13:14 “The Lord has sought Him a “ Man after his own heart ”. Our theme is “A Heart Like His ” .   The Lord was talking ...