Monday, January 27, 2025

King David Intro

 This past Sunday we started a new Bible series at the Barron Church. The series is on the life and times of King David in 1st & 2nd Samuel. These lessons will also be used at NorthLand Bible Camp for Bible Class time. There is more written about David in the Bible than any other character, except Jesus Himself. The first lesson starts with a simple introduction to David and who he was.Here are 14 basic facts about David that help us understand just who he was and why he was so important.

Who is King David?:   14 Facts:

   1. He was the King of Israel for 40 years starting at 30 years old.

   2. He was the youngest of 8 sons of a man named Jesse.

   3. He was born in the city of Bethlehem.

   4. He was the most popular king of all the kings of Israel.                      
       Well liked and loved by most.

   5. He was a great musician. Most famous instrument was the harp.

   6. Of the 150 Psalms he wrote over half of them.

   7. He started off as a young shepherd boy.

   8. He was very wealthy. Only Solomon, his son was richer.

   9. He was a great warrior - fought many battles for God and Israel.

  10. David means “Beloved”

  11. He lived about 1000 years before Christ

  12. He died at age 70 of natural old age.

  13 He had at least 8 different wives and at least 18 kids.

 14. He was a man after God’s own heart.  

One important fact that sticks out about David that helps us identify with him is the fact that he was anything but perfect. He FAILED much more than he succeeded. He also sinned and fell spiritually times than we can count. He was JUST LIKE YOU AND ME!!! He had a great relationship with the One True God and shared his heart with God even to the point of being very honest with God and spoke his heart. When he did sin, he confessed it before God and restored his relationship with God. He was HUMAN!!! Read Psalms 51. All you have to do is read the Psalms that David wrote and you can see his relationship with God. 

 This is just the tip of the iceberg about the life of David. At least a couple times a week I will try to post another lesson about David. You don't want to miss this series. Our prayer is that God's Word will change your life and heart. 

  1 Samuel 13:14 But now your kingdom shall not continue. The Lord has sought for Himself a man after His own heart, and the Lord has commanded him to be commander over His people, because you have not kept what the Lord commanded you.”




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A Heart Like His

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