Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Day - 3 word challenge


   I always like when things are short and simple. Yesterdays challenge was just 2 words: "Rejoice Always". It can't get any shorter or simpler. Today's challenge is only 3 words long and very, very simple (at least it seems that way). "Pray Without Ceasing". 

   When someone first looks at this verse it seems to say that we should be on our knees praying 24/7 and never cease to pray. It actually means to continually and consistently pray and don't give up on talking with the Lord. Do not stop praying! It means that we should be ready to pray at anytime and always be walking with our Lord. If we know Jesus as our Savior, the Lord is our very best friend who understands all that we go through and we need to share everything with Him. He cares, not just about the big things that happen in our life, but also the little seemingly insignificant things. 

   Years ago we were teaching a Bible class to young kids. I asked for prayer requests. A small boy spoke up and asked if we could pray for his cat. So I asked him what was wrong with his cat. His reply, "HE'S DEAD!" There wasn't much I could pray for the cat, but I could pray for this young boy, as he was hurting over the loss of his cat. God cares about everything in our lives! 

   Don't give up on prayer and talking with the Lord, especially right now! We need Him more than ever! He is ever ready to hear us!  

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