Friday, October 16, 2020

Day 3 Verse challenge: Be Still


If there has ever been a verse that has challenged and changed more lives it is Psalm 46:10. When I was a young boy there was a saying going around, (probably made up by grandparents) "Little boys are meant to be seen and not heard.". In other words little boys, especially me, were to keep our mouths shut and not disturb the adults. I am not sure that is what God means by "being still" and yet maybe it is partially true. We sometimes are so busy talking and trying to figure things out and the best thing we can do is to be still and let God have control. 
   This verse can be addressed to 2 different people.
 #1: the enemies of God that make all kinds of noise and say very little. They may threaten and make a lot of noise. But God tells them to "shut up and know that the One true God is going to get the final word".
#2: Usually we apply this to our own lives, when we are worried, restless, doubting or fearful. God encourages us to "Be still - Be quiet and trust - Know that He is God." God still knows better than any of us how to handle each situation and problem. He does not promise to take the problem away, but He does promise to quiet our spirit and help us trust Him in the midst of it all!!!    

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