Thursday, October 15, 2020

Verse Challenge Day 2: The Lighthouse.


The week after Labor Day, Linda, myself and her family stayed at a resort in Ludington, Michigan. One of the things Ludington is known for is it's lighthouse. People come from all over to see this lighthouse and spend time on the beach. If it is a clear night you will find quite a few photographers setting up to get shots of the sun setting over the lighthouse. I have heard it said that Ludington Beach has one of the most beautiful sunsets around. I waited for over an hour just to take a few shot of the sunset and the lighthouse. This photo is one I waited for until the timing was just right. 

  The lighthouse is a symbol of security and safety. Even in the worst of storms the lighthouse remains strong and steady. You can count on it being there if you need it.  

   What a great picture of our God - "A very present help in trouble". He is indeed our refuge and strength. He will always be there for us - no matter how severe the storm.

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