Monday, April 20, 2020

Wide Awake!!!

   All of us have had times in the middle of the night when we wake up and our mind begins to wander and all of a sudden we are filled with fear and we just can't get back to sleep!!! What really gets me is when I sit in my chair in front of the TV and I can't stay awake. Then as soon as I get into bed, I lay there wide awake.  
   What keeps you awake? Is it fear of Corvid-19? Are you worried about losing our job or going broke in the midst of all of this. How are we going to make ends meet? Are you upset with others who don't agree with your point of view about all of this? Are you worried about your fellow workers or even your family? What keeps YOU awake???
   Psalms 3 tells of David during the one of the worse times in his life. His own son, whom he loved, took aver his kingdom and kicked him our of the palace and the city of Jerusalem. David had a broken heart. The amazing thing is that David NEVER BLAMED GOD! He knew God was in control and had a plan for David, his men and his family.
   Psalms 3:5 is one of the most amazing verses that David ever wrote: It blows me away!!!
   I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustained me.
       How in the world could David, after all he had gone through, lay down that night and sleep? 
I would be pacing the floors, angry and upset and mad at the world!!! Maybe that is how you feel right now?  Instead David had a calm, peaceful spirit that night. He wasn't worried, because His God was in control. 
   David said that he could sleep because the Lord sustained me. Sustained means to be kept safe and secure, guarded by a Holy Powerful God who never sleeps or slumbers. He has His hand and His eye on you. It also means to "PROP" up. "To Bear up" and "keep from falling or from sinking!" David and us are in Good Hands with God! 
   So when you can't sleep try:
   1. Praying, not for you but for others. Get your mind and heart off yourself.
   2. Put the headsets on and listen to a Gospel song that will encourage you. (Oh, No! He won't let Go" is a great song to play.
   3. Remember that God is there for you and HE IS AWAKE, so you don't have to. It is His turn to guard the fort and your turn to get some sleep! He will bear you up and keep you from sinking! 

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