Tuesday, April 21, 2020

God's Protection

 Psalms 3:6  

I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people  
who have set themselves against me all around.

Even though David was a very popular king, he had a lot of enemies, who wanted to do him harm and even kill him. As David was fleeing from his son who had run him out of town, he had a lot to fear. He was never really safe!  In Psalms 3:6 David says that he was not afraid of ten thousands of people. The word "Thousands" is actually "Myriads" or as we would put it "MILLIONS". Even with the odds of one million to one - David was not afraid. 
  David says with confidence, "I WILL NOT BE AFRAID!!!!!!" He wasn't going to let fear take over his life and heart. 
   How about us. Even though everything may seem to be against us and there seems to be a lot to be afraid of, can we say with confidence, "I WILL NOT BE AFRAID!!!" That is not self confidence, but God confidence. No matter how big a fear may be - GOD IS BIGGER!!! 
  Notice in verse 7 what David says God has done to his enemies:  
"You have struck all my enemies on the cheekbone;  
  You have broken the teeth of the ungodly." 
 Imagine a roaring lion running toward you and yet all his teeth have been broken out. He is powerless! All he could do is gum you. His roar is worse than his bite! 
   Let's be like David and say with confidence, "I WILL NOT BE AFRAID" God has already taken care of the situation. He is in control. 

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