Friday, April 24, 2020

Love in Action

Matthew 9:36   But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. 
  It always amazes me how Jesus reacted to crowds when He was here on earth. There were many times that He had to simply get away from the crowds and be alone with His disciples or just alone with His Heavenly Father. It wasn't that He was trying to avoid them  or ignore them. He simply needed "down time",  or recharging time, just like the rest of us. 
Inevitably when ever he tried to go off by Himself, the crowds would follow Him and throng Him that much more to teach them or to heal their sick. Jesus could have turned them away and said "Get out of here! Leave us alone." But that was not like Jesus. 
   Matthew 9:36 that when Jesus "SAW" the multitudes..."  Saw - not just see with your eyes, but see with your heart and soul. He SAW then out of love and compassion. 
The second part of that says that He was "MOVED WITH COMPASSION..." It is one thing to have compassion for someone and care about them. It is something else to put that compassion into action, to be MOVED with compassion. To back up our love for people by giving of our self and doing something. Put our love in action! 
   So during this "social Distancing" how can we put our love into action. Maybe we can pick up the phone and call someone, write a note to someone on Facebook or email. Pray for them and then tell them that you prayed for them.  Let the Lord lead you this week in how you can put your love into action.

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