Sunday, April 26, 2020

BEE Attitudes

 Matthew 5:1-2  
And seeing the multitudes, He went up on a mountain, and when He was seated His disciples came to Him.                             Then He opened His mouth and taught them, saying:

Matthew 5 - 7 are known as the "Sermon on the Mount". In Matthew 5:1 Jesus sees the multitude... Usually when He sees the crowds He takes time to share with them, heal their sick and simply teach them from God's Word, the Old Testament Bible.  But this time he ignores the crowd and takes His 12 men and disciples off to a quiet place on the mountain. His goal is not to teach to the crowd, but to to the men He was training to "take over the world", when He was gone.  These 12 men were men that Jesus has hand picked and He spent 3 1/2 years teaching them and preparing them to face the real world.The Sermon on the Mount was designed to teach them how to deal with people, struggles, problems and above how to live in this cruel world of ours.
That is exactly what God wants to do in our life. Take us aside and teach us one on one. Thinks of it "Just Jesus and Me!"
   Notice: #1: "He went up on a mountain". A quiet place Lately most of us have plenty of "quiet time". But are we using it to spend time at Jesus Feet and let Him teach us.
#2: "When He was seated": When teachers in the Bible taught, they did it sitting down. This was a position of personal intimacy. He was on the same level as His students and got their attention much better. They could identify with Him..
#3: "He opened His mouth and taught them..." What a picture of Jesus sitting down with His special men and simply teaching them What He is about to teach them will blow them away. They have never heard these truths explained in the way Jesus did. He showed then things that would change their lives for the rest of their lives.

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