Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Calming Psalms


    If I have learned anything during these stressful days is that I need to spend more time in God's Word and sharing my heart with the Lord. I realized this was the only way that I can cope with the pressures.
   Psalms 3 was written by David during what was probably the lowest and most stressful time in his life. Verse 1 uses the word "TROUBLED" which means to press out of measure. You may remember your mom grinding apples in an apple press to make apple sauce or someone putting meat in a meat press to make sausage. That is exactly how David felt at the time he wrote this Psalm.
   David was king of Israel and everything was going quite well. God had blessed him with a large family, a strong kingdom, an absolutely amazing palace to live in and more money that he knew what to do with. He was probably the most popular king Israel has ever known.
   The problem came when his son, Absalom wanted to be the king instead of his dad. He stood outside the city of Jerusalem and stole the hearts of the people and they started to listen to him and finally they started to follow him. He was able to kick his father out of the city and he took over the throne for a period of time.
   David, along with a few of his faithful men and family left the city. he climbed the hill with his head covered, barefooted and weeping as he traveled. David's heart had been ripped out by his own son. That night he wrote this Psalm. It is not a Psalm of grief and sorrow, but of hope and calmness of spirit.  For next few days we will take a look at this Psalm.
My assignment to you is to simply open your Bible to this Psalm and read it, asking God to calm your spirit as you read it.    

Psalms 3:1-2
1. Lord, how they have increased who trouble me! Many are they who rise up against me.
Many are they who say of me, “There is no help for him in God.” Selah

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