Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Be Real!

 Psalms 3:1-2
1. Lord, how they have increased who trouble me! Many are they who rise up against me.
Many are they who say of me, “There is no help for him in God.” Selah

   One of the things I really love about the Psalms that David wrote was that when he prayed he was honest and straight forward. He never skirted an issue, but dealt with it head on. He had that kind of relationship with his God! David was REAL and he was REAL with his God!
   When he wrote this Psalm David was in deep, deep trouble, very discouraged and even depressed. You would be too is your son just stole your kingdom and kicked you out as king.
   So what do we do when we are discouraged and going through a rough time. Most of us are right now with the corona virus and social distancing in place. We can learn some lessons from the way David responded to his problem:
  1. That night when he got to the cave with those following him, he wrote this Psalm. It may be a good remedy to write down our feelings and anxieties. It seems to be a good release. Years ago there was a man that really got under my skin and made some accusations about us. I wrote him a long letter telling him just how I feel. I never delivered the letter, but just the process helped me come to terms with my feelings.
   2. In these first 2 verses David pours his heart out to the Lord. He didn't mix words in his prayer. Why should he, God knows what we are thinking and are worried about anyway. So we might as well tell God just what is on our heart. BE REAL!!!!
  3. Even though many people told him that even God can't help him now, David cried out to his God all the more. Whether he FELT God's presence or not he cried out to God for help and encouragement.
   4. At the end of these 2 verses is the word, "Selah". This is an instrument rest and it tells us to stop and think about what was just said or wrote. Read these verses again and see if they don't relate to your life right now. If so, do like David and cry out to God and BE REAL!!!


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