Monday, April 13, 2020

Wait for it!

   You have heard people say, "Wait for it!" when they want you to be still and wait for something special to happen. Isaiah 40:31 tells us we are to "Wait upon the Lord..." Right now with the social distancing and everybody staying home - all we do is WAIT!!!! We wait for the "all clear", so we can go back to work or go to special events with people all around us... Now they are talking about extending the wait for another 15 days or more... Personally I am waiting for us to get back together as a church body and worship in one place together...

  When Isaiah uses the word "WAIT" it can also mean to "HOPE in the Lord". The good news is that the Lord is our HOPE, not the government or other people. It means not only that we wait, but we wait trusting the Lord and knowing He is in control. We look to Him for our strength and grace day by day. This verse says that if do this, we shall soar like the eagle in the sky. The greater the wind and turbulence, the higher and more graceful the eagle flies and soars. As he does this he waits - for just the right moment when he can swoop down on his prey and snatch it up for lunch. may the Lord help us to wait, trusting Him and know that He has a plan for us right now!

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