Monday, May 25, 2020

He Maketh No Mistake

   Yesterday we sent out our first prayer letter since we retired in January. We didn't get a lot of replies back, but one of the people who did reply was Wade Wadsworth. Wade and April are missionaries working in nursing homes sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They sent us a poem by a man by the name of A.M. Overton, written in 1932. Mr. Overton was  a pastor in Mississippi and his wife was expecting their 4th child. Complications set in and both his wife and new born child died. During the funeral service the pastor noticed that Mr. Overton was writing something down on paper. Later he asked him about it. It was this poem, called "He Maketh No Mistake".

My Father's way may twist and turn
My heart may throb and ache,
But in my soul I'm glad to know,
He maketh no mistake.

My cherished plans may go astray,
My hopes may fade away,
But still I'll trust my Lord to lead,
For He doth know the way.

Tho' night be dark and it may seem
That day will never break,
I'll pin my faith, my all, in Him,
He maketh no mistake.

There's so much now I cannot see,
My eyesight's far too dim,
But come what may,
I'll simply trust and leave it all to Him.

For by and by the mist will lift,
And plain it all He'll make,
Through all the way, tho dark to me,
He made not one mistake. 
   (A.M. Overton, 1932)

The poem speaks for itself. In these dark and confusing times - God makes no mistakes! The virus and all it's implications and complications are in God's hands.

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A Heart Like His

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