Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Mourning turned to Blessing

Matthew 5:4    Blessed are those who mourn,  For they shall be comforted.

Bee Attitude #2: Blessed are they that mourn.  
These beatitudes have been called "upside Down" attitudes, especially this verse. Since the word, "Blessed" means happy and filled with inner peace and joy, how then can those who mourn possible be blessed?
The word, mourn is a very strong word which speaks of someone who is in deep sorrow and lament, who is grieving over someone or even something lost. It is not a quiet grieving, but loud wailing. Years ago I heard someone wail like that over losing a son to cancer. I will never, ever forget what that felt like.
There are many reasons to mourn:
1. When you lose a loved one, experiencing loss and heartache. Jesus Wept!!!!
2. Grieving over sin in your life, being sorrow for sin with a broken heart.
3. Grieving over a loved one who does not know the Lord.
4. Weeping with those who weep, feeling their pain and discomfort. You hurt for them and with them.
5. Weep with those who are going through rough waters and hard times.
6. Grieve over things lost: a marriage, a job, money, dignity, time, etc...

   Now the Good News and Promise. "They shall be comforted".                              We can know that Jesus understands and He is ready to comfort us with outstretched arms of love and caring. JESUS CARES!!! He is the only one who can really comfort our hearts and fill us with His peace and joy. He is the One who makes us "BLESSED".

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