Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Beattiude #1: Poor in Spirit

Matthew 5:3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit,
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

  So do you want to be REALLY RICH and have so much that you have to share it with others. Jesus had the key to real riches. It is not money, property, possessions, but riches in Christ! It begins by having a "Poor Spirit".
  A "Poor Spirit" doesn't mean to have a bad attitude and be in a bad mood. We have ALL been there! It means to "crouch as a helpless beggar."  It is someone who lives in absolute poverty and totally dependent on his provider. It isn't so much financial poverty, but spiritual poverty, where we are totally dependent on God our provider. It is someone who knows that he cannot handle things by himself and cries out to God for help.  
A humble, POWERLESS spirit. It is admitting that "I Can't, but God can!" The poor spirit has a servants heart, putting others and God before himself. 
Here is an honest evaluation of ourselves with a "poor Spirit".
   1. Admit your strengths and your weaknesses. 
   2. Don't put on a false macho image - The Big ME attitude!
   3. You don't always have to have your own way - "My way or the highway!" attitude.
   4. Admit your need for God and for others to help you.
   5. Don't be concerned about what you have or don't have. Have a Servants heart attitude. It ALL belongs to God anyway!
   6. Be willing to share with others without making a big deal about it! Don't do something nice for someone and then let the whole word know what you did. 

 The BLESSING of a poor spirit: "Theirs is the kingdom of God".
   We have nothing in ourselves, but we have ALL the riches and Blessing of the kingdom of Heaven.  We are POOR in Spirit, but RICH in Christ. We have ALL that we need in Him. He is our all in all. Think of all that we do have if we  know Christ as our Savior: Christ as our Savior, an eternal home in Heaven, Part of the family of God, God's grace and strength, His love for us, etc... 
So you want to be rich - It starts with JESUS!!!!  

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