Tuesday, April 7, 2020


 The 8th Fruit of the Spirit is Meekness or Humility.
   There is an old saying, "I am so humble and proud of it." Sometimes this is one of the hardest Fruits of the Spirit to follow because we tend to be very proud by nature. There is nothing wrong with being proud of a project that you have done or of things that you have accomplished. But when you think that because you have done these things that you are better or more important than others, it becomes selfish pride.
   We are facing some very hard times with the Corona Virus and the Social Distancing. We cannot face and handle these things in our selves. We need the Lord to help us. If we are MEEK, we will ask for God's help. God desires for us to come to Him and say "Lord, I cannot handle these things, I need you!" "Lord, I have no strength in myself. Give me the grace and strength to handle these things with your help!" The Lord never told us that life would be easy. But He does promise to give us His grave and strength when we need it. RIGHT NOW WE NEED IT!

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