Wednesday, April 1, 2020


   The second fruit of the spirit is JOY. Someone came up with the acronym:
  Others and then 
The verse that comes to mind is Philippians 4:4 and the key word is "REJOICE". The question is "How in the world do we rejoice in times like this with all that is going on?
   The Corona Virus spreading...
   The stock market going crazy - mostly down
   We are practicing "Social Distancing" at home.
   People are being laid off and losing jobs.
   Personally, one of the dear and wonderful ladies of our church has cancer and another sweet lady we know is deeply depressed and having physical problems as she is in the nursing home.
   This week I came down with a case of shingles on my back, which is not only ugly but very painful. Hard to sleep at night and get comfortable.
   We can't even worship together at our church. I really miss our people. We can talk on the phone, but it just ain't the same. 
   Philippians 4:4:  And yet God says "Rejoice" not once but twice in the same verse. But the key is to "Rejoice in the Lord" not in all these things. He and He alone is our Joy and comfort. He is in control and has a plan for all of this. Jesus and Jesus alone has promised us Eternal Life and the glory of Heaven.
Lets keep our eyes on the real source of Joy! Jesus Christ! Take a minute and read the next few verses. What a great comfort and encouragement.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Pastor Frank. We miss everyone as well. Prayers for you, Karen, Lorraine n every1 else! ❤️


A Heart Like His

     1 Samuel 13:14 “The Lord has sought Him a “ Man after his own heart ”. Our theme is “A Heart Like His ” .   The Lord was talking ...