Friday, April 3, 2020

Hang In There!

  The 4th Fruit of the Spirit is "Long suffering".
   Basically it is the idea of "Don't give up and Hang in there!" It is usually translated either "Patience" or "Endurance". If that isn't a great word for today, nothing is. The great part of this is that it is part of the Fruit of the Spirit, which means that this is something that we CANNOT do or handle in our selves. The strength and endurance has to come from the Lord.  It comes from keeping our minds, heart and thoughts on our wonderful, patient God. Hang in there - God is still in control!
Where do we get this ability to Hang in there?
#1: By knowing Jesus as your Savior
#2: By reading God's Word - The Bible
#3. With the help and encouragement and prayers of others.
#4: By talking it over with the One who is in control!  It is called prayer. 

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