Saturday, April 18, 2020

God: My Glory!!!

    In Psalms 3 David mentions 7 amazing facts about his God. He did this on probably the most discouraging day of his life. Instead of focusing on his problems, David focuses his attention to the God he loved.
   #1 Amazing Fact: God is a shield for me.
   #2 Amazing Fact: God you are my glory.
   The word "glory" is the same as "Worship". It means to adore and praise. David's "glory" was not in who he was or in the fact that he was king of Israel. He gloried in his God alone. What do we "glory" in? What is important to us and gives us fulfillment? Family, friends, $$$, job, house, toys, girl or boy friend. These things are important, but God is of much more value than all these things combined. David gloried in his God!
   #3 Amazing Fact: The lifter up of my head..." The day he wrote this he was going up a hill with his head hanging down in shame and discouragement. He knew that the day would come that God would lift up his head. He could hold his head up high and walk in confidence knowing that God was by his side. He knew that God was in control and that God had a plan. He also knew and had faith that God would lift up his head again as king. God would restore him as the rightful king of Israel.
    Right now, maybe your head is hanging down because you are discouraged or afraid. Be assured that God is the lifter up of our head. Our confidence is in Him!

   Go ahead and read Psalm 3 again. Underline or write down thinks God encourages you with. Then talk to God about it. Remember: BE REAL!!!

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