Friday, May 1, 2020

Hunger Games


 Matthew 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.

A few years ago on a hot and dry day I found a Nature Trail that I had never been in before. It started out great, but then it kept on going and going and I was getting thirstier by the minute. Stupid me, I failed to take anything along to drink. I couldn't wait to get back to the car, but there was nothing there to drink either. When I finally found a place to get something to drink, it tasted better than anything I had ever drank. The more you are thirsty or hungry, the more you appreciate food and water when you get it.
   The 4th Bee-Attitude Jesus talks to His disciples about being hungry and thirsty after righteousness. The word "Hungry" talks about extreme hunger or thirst to the place it hurts. To be famished with intense desire. You crave it with all your life. You got to have it or you will die or at least pass out. Jesus tells His disciples that if we want to be "BLESSED" we need to have this kind of desire for righteousness.This is the desire to do what is right and just. We want to do that which is acceptable to God and His Word. We desire to do the right thing!
   #1: We want to see "righteousness" in others and the world around us. Does it really hurt you to see people not honoring God and living for Him? How do you feel about family or friends that are not living for the Lord or maybe they do not know Jesus as their Savior.
   #2: Righteousness in my own life. Do you have a real desire and thirst to be like Jesus in all you do? Do you really want to so the right thing before God?
    Jesus promises us that if we have that kind of hunger for righteousness - WE WILL BE FILLED!!! or satisfied, We will have all we want or desire. We will be filled to overflowing.
    It starts by knowing Jesus as your Savior. In Christ we have all that we need!

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