Friday, April 10, 2020

Good Friday???

 Today is "Good Friday". One question about this day that has been asked over and over again is "What is so GOOD about Good Friday? It is almost like asking "What is so good about the Corona Virus epidemic? Can God take this terrible sickness and make something GOOD out of it. What good can come from social distancing, no church services on Sunday at our church, people becoming depressed and discouraged, businesses failing and finances being drained and on top of it all many people getting sick and many dying? But there has been GOOD! Families are forced to come together and work together, churches are thinking outside the box and coming up with innovative ways of worshiping the Lord. Because of that many people are watching church services online that would not normally be in church on Sunday. God also uses this tragedy to make us stronger in Him and to depend on Him every day for our strength.
   What about Good Friday? What is so good about an innocent man being tried for falsely, everybody, but a few faithful ones turn their back on Him, They whip, beat, humiliate the Son of God and on top of it they crucify Him on a cruel cross meant for thieves and murderers. On that cross He dies and they put His body in a borrowed grave.
   The GOOD is that when He died He died for us and our sins. He died so that we can have a place in eternal Heaven. The GOOD NEWS is that He did not stay in that tomb, but 3 days later rose from the grave and He lives today. The Good News is that God loved us so much that He sent His Son to give us Eternal Life.

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